When you start any business you wish to present it online by
having a website that keeps all the information about your businesses like
products, services etc. After completing with the designing and development
part for websites next point comes to make that website online and to do so you
need a server from a web hosting provider to host your website.
Web Hosting providers are the companies that are authorized
and offer different web hosting packages to their clients, designed as per
requirements of individuals, small business and large organizations. The mostly
offered web hosting options are Windows and Shared hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated
server hosting. You can choose one out of them after analyzing your website
needs of bandwidth, web space, email accounts, processor , Operating system etc.
If you have a small website with few numbers of pages then a
shared web hosting is enough with a web space of 2-20GB, considered as a very
cheaper option. VPS hosting offers a web space between 20-120GB for your
business website uses images, more number of pages etc. For an ecommerce ,
gaming heavy website you may require a
dedicated server, provide higher bandwidth, web space of 500GB and above. After
Checking out your website needs, you can select one website hosting packages
that best suits to your budget.
2gbhosting.com is a leading web hosting service provider, offer affordable packages designed in according to the needs of their clients.And this web host is best known for client satisfaction and affordable services in the lead market of web hosting.